Arnoud Noordam

Employment Lawyer at Noordam Advocaten

Arnoud’s law firm – Noordam Advocaten – represents companies and individuals in matters concerning employment law, contract law and insolvency law.

- Arnoud has over 20 years experience of assisting expatriates with employment law issues, particularly dismissals and redundancies. Arnoud conducts all correspondence in English if this is required.
- Arnoud has been acting as a trustee in bankruptcy and debt restructuring cases for over two decades.
- Arnoud gained his PhD in insolvency law in November 2007 at the VU university in Amsterdam and has been teaching insolvency law to professionals for many years.
- Arnoud also works as a general legal counsel for a number of medium-sized companies in the Netherlands.

About Us - How We Work:
We provide legal advice and services in the fields of employment law and civil disputes. We provide a personal and professional service at competitive rates and respond to all enquiries in a fast and efficient manner.

Feel free to contact us for a customized advice.